Tuesday, July 15, 2008

seeing the sun raise

It is now July 15th it is a very cool day.

I have experienced a lot that I didn’t have a chance to the first time I was here. My neighbors and I got up at 0630 on Tuesday morning and walked to Munoko to the supermarket. It was a very pretty walk we got to see the sun raise over of the village. We took the back roads because they’re the safest; it took us about an hour to walk it. After we were done at the market it was getting late in the morning so we took a Boda Boda (motorcycle taxi) back to the compound. It is an experience that everyone needs to try, it was so much fun. We then had Breakfast and off to work we all went. It's now supper time in Uganda and I can hear the kids from across the road singing it is very fun to listen to. Now tonight the volunteers from the Netherlands are have a party for very one.

The other reason that is a very cool day is that fact that is is Max The Dog's Birthday!!!! So Max the dog is now seven years old.


Tricia Layton and Lane said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX!!!! And I'm glad everything is going well for you over there!!! Take Care and Miss ya!

Terry Poock said...

Happy Birthday Max!

we miss you much, hope you are having fun in your new homeland
gunner and drake