Friday, July 18, 2008

Holy Cold

Hello everyone-

All is going well here. I am was getting used to my shower working until this morning then back to asking other people to use they're shower. I am also getting used to the cold water showers. I learned when to take a shower and when not too.

Today I walked to the roadside stands. It is about a half mile to 3 quarters of a mile so not to far. I walked with Max and we both had are very first Rolex. They're very good basically what they are is a egg wrapped in a thin pancake. Max and I loved them, we will have them again for sure. The best part is that it is very cheap for 2of them it cost me 1400.00 schillings. The ratio is 1620.00 schilling per one dollar. So very very cheap, and it was a very good supper. Not to much going on besides the daily grid. I am finally starting my real job so I am very excited about that. The next couple of weeks that is going to be very interesting to see how everything works and how the new things are built.

Thank you for reading and have a great day


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved getting your newsletter-I will send it to the office and our Uganda team! I have been praying for you and wondering how it was going. Also, I read all of the blog up through this entry. It sounds like you are doing well. Know that we are praying for you and please give Pieter, Pita and Marieska our love, hugs and prayers.

Joshua 1:6-9 Kathy