Sunday, September 13, 2009


On the night of August 23rd I was walking back to my home and told max to get him and so kept on walking back homeand when I got home Max was foaming from the mouth and he was losing saliva by the gallon. So I want to my friend Mariska's house and I asked her do we have Poisonious toad she did not know. We then called Peit and he said yes then I gave the phone to Mariska to get the directions so I can help max.
So there we were in Piets bathroom she looking for charcoal pills and I am trying to make Max to vomit. If you were watching you would be laughing Mariska found the pills then I put pills in peanut butter then max would take them. So for the rest of the night I was watching him to make sure he was ok.


The last week from Thursday until Saturday they're was a riot in Kampala the capital city. It was all trible related fighting but it was not safe for anyone to leave the compound. Here in Mukono we were all right in the middle of it all. So on Thurday I went to Mukono and they're were trees down and people running around.
They're were some killed in this whole thing. One day only 10 people were killed in Kampala and in Mukono 2 people were killed, so it was pretty serious.
If you would like to read more about it look on BBC.COM