Monday, December 8, 2008

Santa Claus Dec 5

On Friday Dec 5th was a Holiday in the Netherlands called Santa Claus. That is the day the santa claus comes, But the diffence is that he comes from Spain in a boat with black elf's. So the children put carrott's in the shoes for santa horseand when they wake up there is presents in the shoe. The adults have like a secert santa deal and the gift make fun of the other person nice fun thou. Like I got shower cap, comb, and shampoo. so it is fun and they sit around and have nice sweets.


Tricia Layton and Lane said...

Hi Brad!How is life with two little boys?? Hope everything is going well for you. We think and pray for you often!! Hope to hear some stories about the boys soon:) I'm sure you are extra busy, cause I understand how it is living with 2 boys!! Miss ya!

Piet said...

Hi Brad,
May God bless you, your 2 boys and your work in Uganda.
We wish you a good and healthy 2009.
Pieter (father Linda)