Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What a weekend

The weekend all started on Friday night. There was a team for America here and they had a dinner just for all the missionary's. It was very nice we had great food that made me feel like home.
Then Saturday came in the morning it was a normal day. About 4 o'clock I was on my way to Kampala for a night out on the time. The people that I have been dealing told he that I am to young to stay at home and they are going to take me out. So we did it was a lot of fun we started about 5 o'clock and ended at about 3 in the morning here the bars and clubs close at 7 in the morning.
On Sunday morning I was called to Pieta side of he compound. So I was very nervous because I had know clue why I was called I never get called. SO when I got there she told me to sit down we need to talk. So I sat down and she told me that yesterday they had a person visit. The person was Henry and Nathan uncle, he came to visit the boy's and to see how they're doing. She told him that there is a man here that wants to adopted the boy's. He said great that is good and he said I what to meet him, but I was not around. The man has the power over the children because the mother is very crazy. So when I meet the man he will give me the letter that I need to start the adopting. So that is great news. The rest of the day I what to Church at 2 o'clock and after that it was time to bring the Americans to the Airport to go back home. So we started for the airport and on the way there is a dirt road right outside the compound. So when it rains we can not move. Now being the raining season we wanted to get going so we make it. SO we start and we told the driver what ever to do do not stop put it to the floor and leave it there. so we got half way help the hill and she let off the gas. SO guess what happen we got stuck and bad. The bus that we were riding in half was in he field and the other half was in the ditch.so we were stuck for 2 hours and we finally got the bus on stuck and use the other way. so when we finally got to the airport we all were wet and covered with mud. So all I can say is what a weekend

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