Saturday, July 3, 2010


When my parent where still here. We were out of water for a week, the reason was is that National housing company was building a house they broke the water pipe and did not tell anyone. So during the time that there was no water my dad and I had to go and look for water. So we took some buckets and started walking we found a place at sold us some water. We then took it home so we could do laundry after the laundry was finished we took that water and used it to flush the toilets. All the water we got we used 2 to 3 times before going into the toilet to flush it. During that time the power went out so for a half of the day we had no water and no power it was not nice. The power company came later that day and put the power back on. The sad part about this story its pretty common that's normal life in Uganda.

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