Saturday, April 4, 2009

More Sad News

I have bad news again on the night of Friday the 27th we lost another child. His name was Trevor he has only been with us for a few months. But he was in and out of the hospital all the time. He was in the hospital for about one month and the doctor told us there is not much we can do but make him comfortable. He died from aids; he was only 8 months old.
He still had some family but they couldn't take care of him so that’s why he lived with us. So when he died they ask if he could be buried with the mother. So we took the body to the home of the mother and put him to rest there. It is a custom in that part of Uganda that the person who delivered the body would be paid with a chicken. So I got a chicken and also Mariska a friend of mine got a chicken to for taking care of him.

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