Monday, January 17, 2011


For the last couple of weeks the church that we go to has been getting ready to interview a family that might come and help our pastor. So during the last couple of weeks we have been preparing, because of the families short time in Uganda. We said that KIC Bugolobi (Kampala International Church)(Big a lo b) that we would move are service to 5 o'clock.

So on Sunday the 16th was like any other Sunday I was up making breakfast. Then because of the fact that we did not have church in the morning we watched movies. during the movies I was unaware that my phone was ringing because it was on Vibrate and sitting on my bed. So about 1100 o clock I was going into my bedroom and I picked up my phone and saw like 10 missed calls and 5 sms's and I am like what in the world is going on. So I started reading the sms's and they all had the same theme WHERE ARE U and ARE YOU OKAY. So I am like what so confused that this point. So then I started to call the people back and the 1st one I called was so happy that I called him back he begins to tell me the whole church was so worried because I was not at church and they even prayed for me out loud during church.

So I come to find out that the church was still going on in the morning as normal but the night service was a extra thing. So When I arrived at the night service I was getting hugs all night because they were so happy to see that I was ok.

Needless to say but my face was beat red all night because I was so embarrassed.

To be honest I was very happy that the people were so worried it really made me feel wonderful.. This church is one of the biggest things that I will miss in a couple of months. This Church is one of the biggest reasons that I want to stay because this church has been one of the best spiritual places in my life and its really like my real family in Uganda. In this church we have people that run NGO's we have people that work for the Embassies, and people that even have their own Business. But people here are all about the lord and making the other people in the church friends. So to be honest this church is one of my best friends here.